Where is my mind
I feel like i've been so out of things. Finally visited Pinkie's new place yesterday. Her room is so pink! Very pretty and pink. Hot pink curtains, hot pink wall (only one of the four is pink, the rest are white), pink and white bedspread. Absolutely pretty and pink!
If i work on it this could become a room review blog. =) So the next time you let me in, make sure there's nothing you don't want me to blog about.
I just finished my media law test, and shoot me cos i didn't bother reading what a vitiating factor is. Oh and misrepresentation. *rolls eyes*
I miss the girlies. Hope they're well, and that we can see each other soon.
But for now, i'd kill for my comp to get well. It's so damn frustrating when i can't do anything, work or leisure, cos the comp is fucking sick.
I think i'm at quite a not-so-pleasant point of my life and everything's just awful. Oh get me away from here, i'm dying...