Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Comfort Of Strangers

I caught this movie over the weekend, without a clue what it was about. Turned out to be a very rewarding experience.

French psycho chiller, shot in black and white, this is the director's debut feature. The plot is original and dark, and the soundtrack does an amazing job at maintaining the suspense.

Just like Mysterious Skin, i think it's best to watch it without much prior knowledge of the film. That way you can feel the intensity and shock full-blast.

But to put it simply, it's a story about a struggling young labourer who unknowingly gets himself into a dangerous situation hoping to make a big sum of money, and what happens next is an unfathomable journey through living hell. The ugliness of human nature is portrayed so cold it numbs.

Go see it if you can, surely worth your money!