Thursday, December 07, 2006

We're finally on our own

Imagine taking a late night train home and a lady in red (total stranger) says to you, "Aren't you lonely?", before engaging you in a tug-of-war to pull you down the tracks into the way of the oncoming train. And you use all your might to pull so she doesn't fall to the tracks but you lose anyway and she gets herself killed right in your face. Wouldn't you be damn angry? Like why did she do that to you? You didn't even know her.

Sounds like a good story to me. Too bad for 9:56 (Korean horrody). It had a great beginning, but it doesn't actually have much to do with the main plot. And the main plot was actually a very bad story, complete with ridiculous moments and too many messy sub-plots.

Go watch it (on a weekday, i'd recommend) only if you enjoy bad horror flicks, just for laughs.

That aside, i've recently discovered that i have this strange habit of conjuring up disturbing visuals in my head. I've been seeing this pair of slit wrists like in a black and white photograph, the hands are damn pale against a black background, and the slashes run deep. Then i've also seen a man who hung himself. It was a low angle but you can't see his face because his waist-long hair falls forward, over his white robe. What the fuck. It wasn't supposed to be that way!