Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hiding from the sun, waiting for the night to come

We got our DVDs safely! We're all happy now. When Amit gets his he'd be very happy too. Unfortunately, i have no time to start on them. I bought 10! And we only checked out one shop. We spent hours in the secret room, browsing through the titles, making difficult decisions then finally testing them piece by piece. Testing of DVDs is very important.

We got a very good price cos we bought so many. Can't wait to buy some more the next time i'm there.

Meeting up with the delivery guy made me so kancheong most of the day in the end i made ping pong come with me. I kept imagining police popping out during the meeting to catch me. And what if the fella didn't call? Like he got busted at the customs or something? Real bummer that would've been. I mean, it does happen okay. Boon said one time he didn't get his stuff. What's more the delivery man called me two hours later than he said he would. We met at 12 midnight mann, and he was on his motorcycle. Haha. Sounds like shady lane!