Sunday, December 05, 2004

Wicked Game

We almost always end up in an arcade because Special K has this irrepressible need for some goal-scoring action and almost always, when some stranger boy inserts a coin and "Challenger Comes" flashes on our screen, i cringe.

According to him, there's a way for the opponents to guarantee a goal when they "hold the power then shoot" (i assume that means the player shoots when it's at full power) and he hates it when the challenger tries that on him. It's almost as good as playing cheat. Like, why can't we do the good ol' tackle, dribble, pass, shoot (not always abusing the full power option), score?

What follows is always the sulking and complaining about how these boys regard, or rather, disregard the sport.

As loserish at it sounds, i've been playing a lot of internet reversi. (Yeah i'm a sucker for these old school games. Snakes & Ladders, girlies? =p) And while i try to counter a black with my white, my opponents are always obsessed with getting the corners. Of course technically speaking there's nothing wrong with doing that, those who snatch the corners usually win the game. And i'm so sick of these people spoiling my game and plotting to win by just getting the corners. That's not reversi as i know it. That's some stupid chope the corner game.

I suppose i'm too damn honest and that's not how people play their games. I suppose they can walk all over others with their strategies and tactics and feel damn proud of themselves. And winning a match by trying to break someone's leg twice instead of playing the game with integrity and professional ethics intact is not something to brag about! Okay i just needed to get that outta my system. Hoo!